After posting your job on Oneflare and receiving responses from different businesses, it is important to get in touch with the businesses to discuss their quote.
You can contact them by phone or message them directly through the Oneflare Messaging System. Please follow the steps below:
- Log into your Oneflare account, head to 'My Jobs' and select the relevant job request
- The businesses that have quoted on your job will be presented under the job title.
- Click on the business to view their contact details, see their recent message and be able to chat with them.
On the left panel of this page, you can view their reviews and credentials and also click on the 'About' tab to open their profile to assist you in making a decision.
Once you have made a decision on who to hire, just be sure to update the job!
It is a shamble site don't expect much and you won't be disapointed and help just tell you they answered all your questions and you here nothing from them.
ring me if you think this is to complementary ---- mob 0427565070
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