Profile Analytics allows you to keep track of your business' performance on the Oneflare directory. We give you easy access to the following information directly from your profile:
- Directory Impressions: This is the number of times a customer has searched for a category and location that has led to your business in our directory. Looking to grow your impression count? A Featured Listing will allow you to expand up to 200 suburbs in our directory.
- Profile Views: This is the number of times a customer has chosen to select and view your business profile from the directory. Having a Featured Listing will put you in the top spots of the directory, increasing your profile views and your chances of converting traffic into a phone call.
- Contact Clicks: Featured Listing businesses are able to display their contact details on their directory listing. Contact Clicks are therefore exclusive to Featured Listing businesses only, and represent the number of times a customer has chosen to reveal their contact details to get in touch. Being a Featured Listing business means that customers can contact you directly from your profile instead of having to post a job, allowing you to maximise the amount of work you win with Oneflare.
To access the benefits of a Featured Listing today, contact one of our Account Managers at 02 8458 2692.
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