If your verification request was rejected, it might be due to one of the following reasons:
Invalid or Mismatched Business Details
- The Australian Business Number (ABN) provided does not match the business name or address listed.
- The ABN is invalid, expired, or not registered to the business you are verifying.
- The business name or address entered does not align with official ABR records
Incomplete or Incorrect Personal Identification
- The identification document provided (e.g., driver’s licence or passport) is incomplete, illegible, expired, or does not match the name provided in your profile.
- The uploaded photo is unclear or does not meet our requirements (e.g., poor lighting, blurred image).
Missing or Incomplete Documentation
- Required documents such as your ABN, personal identification, or photo were not uploaded or were only partially uploaded.
- Submitted documents were missing essential information or did not meet the required standards.
Discrepancies in Submitted Information
- There are discrepancies between the details provided during verification and the records held by the ABR or on your identification document.
- Any mismatch in names, addresses, or other critical information may lead to rejection.
Non-Compliant ABN Registration
- The ABN provided is not active or registered under the correct business structure or category.
- Sole traders using a business name that is not registered to their ABN may encounter issues.
Security or Fraud Concerns
- Documents submitted appear altered, fraudulent, or do not align with our security requirements.
- Any suspicious activity detected during the verification process.
What to Do Next?
If your verification was rejected, carefully review the reasons provided by our notification email. Ensure all details and documents are accurate, complete, and compliant before resubmitting. Here are some tips to avoid rejection:
- Double-check your ABN and business details against the Australian Business Registry.
- Use clear and up-to-date identification documents.
- Ensure your photo is high-quality and meets all requirements.
If you have questions or need further assistance, contact our Support Team for guidance. We’re here to help you get verified!
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